Category: TIN Teeninsurgensie / COIN

NONGQAI Special series : The men speak : Brig Fanie Bouwer

NONGQAI magazine special series – the men speak: From Apartheid to Democracy – Personal insights and experiences recounted by Brig (Ret) Fanie Bouwer, who served in the uniformed component of the erstwhile South African Police during the turbulent years of internal political strife prior to the country’s transition to a non-racial democracy. He particularly addresses te question of coercive versus innovative police action.

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S.A. Police Security Branch and the Armed Struggle: Part 1

Nongqai serialisation of our e-Book “The danger of a single story” about the other side of the conflict between the ANC’s MK and the S.A. Police SB during the armed struggle in South Africa – PART 1.

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Louis Lubbe ’N KORT GESKIEDENIS VAN SUIDWES-AFRIKA “Oorlog is nooit ’n eensydige saak nie.” – Dwight D Eisenhower (1890 – 1969) Tussen die Oranjerivier in die suide en die Kunenerivier in die noorde lê daar ’n stuk wêreld, so...

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