By Col Logan Govender (SAP-Ret)

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Photograph 01

Historic Photograph

My Dad Constable Mariemuthu “Irusan” as a young constable

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Photograph 02

Historic Photograph

This group photograph of Indian police members from the Pietermaritzburg District between 1952 and 1955.

Front row, seated, left to right, Sergeant Mariemuthu “Irusan”

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Photograph 03

Logan Govender

The Nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten” – Calvin Coolidge

(Our Editor in Chief, Brigadier Hennie Heymans has asked me to explain the difference in surnames of my Dad and I. My granddad’s surname was Irusan but when my Dad’s birth was registered the surname was omitted by the official at Department of Indian Affairs in the day. Just his first name “Mariemuthu” was inserted. This appeared in all his official documents such Identity Card, later Book of Life; Police Service Certificates, etc. This remained till his death. How my surname became “Govender”, I am unable explain as I don’t know. I hope this clarifies the confusion. – [LG])

Image 01

Historic Image

(Source, Mr Kiru Naidoo, 1860 Heritage Centre via Mr Vinesh Selvin, SAIL)

Media Clipping

Major Strauss …


“My Dad, Sergeant Mariemuthu “Irusan” receives the South African Police, Good Service Medal for 18 years by the District Commandant, Pietermaritzburg, Major Strauss during 1955 / 1956 at SA Police, Alexandra Road, Barracks, Pietermaritzburg.

Major Strauss, District Commandant of Police in Maritzburg, pins the Good Service Medal on the tunic of Indian Sergeant Mareemuthu (Mariemuthu – My Dad. [LG]) at the Alexandra Road Police Barracks recently. Sergeant Mariemuthu joined the SA Police at Verulam in January 1937. Ten years later he was transferred to Durban and then, in 1952, he joined the Mountain Rise Police, where he is stationed at present.

(Picture- Morgan Naidoo)

(The Medal Parade was probably held during 1955 / 1956 as he would have only qualified for the 18-year Good Service Medal in January 1955)

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Photograph 04

Historic Photograph

Sergeant Mariemuthu “Irusan” receiving the South African Police Star for Merit for 30 years of service by the Divisional Commissioner, Brigadier WT Murray, Captain JS Joubert, standing alongside him. The Medal Parade was held at the Northdale Stadium during 1967 /1968.

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Photograph 05

Historic Photograph

Sergeant Mariemuthu “Irusan” during the late 1960s

“Agnoscere et honorare servientibus” – “to acknowledge and honour those who served”

“Soli Deo Gloria” – “To God Alone Glory”

Logan Govender

  • Comments by Brig HB Heymans (Ret)

During 1964/6 the SAP had one Brigadier stationed in Pietermaritzburg and he looked after Natal, Port Natal and the Transkei. He was Brig WT Murray. (The first Brigadier in Natal and Transkei). Likewise, we had one Chaplain, Ds JC Jansen (Dutch Reformed Church), stationed in Durban but was the Chaplain for Port Natal, Natal and the Transkei.

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