Compiled by Brig HB Heymans (SAP RET)
Abstract: A pictorial history of the former Durban Borough Police successor in title to the former Durban City Police. The former Durban City Police was the oldest police force in South Africa. Members of the DCP were all attested as Peace Officers.
Keywords: Durban Central Police Station, Berea Police Station, Musgrave Rd Police Station, Men on Beats and officers directing traffic
Durban Natal, South Africa – four African policemen in uniform. 1896. (R v Wyk)
Durban Borough Police (DCP) built in 1903 – Musgrave Rd
Musgrave Road in 1909. Police station near the tram. St Thomas’ church in the distance.
Durban Borough Police: Mounted Police Constable
The “old” Police Station and Drill Hall in West St stood between the Central Post Office and Aliwal Street (directly across from the current City Hall).
On beat
DBP Berea Police Station
Directing Traffic
Before “robots” – DBP on platform directing traffic
On Beat: Durban around 1902 – R van Wyk
Durban around 1910 – R van Wyk
On duty in Albert park