Category: Tak Nasionale Vertolking (TNV)

Intelligence and National Security Management System in South Africa

As part of a new series in Nongqai, the South African Forces History Magazine, entitled “The Men Speak”, its editor-in-chief, retired Police Brigadier Hennie Heymans, shares his personal insights into the period 1964 to 1993 within the South African Police Security Branch and the National Security Management System, where he served in positions that afforded him vantage points from where to live and observe key shaping events on South Africa’s evolution over the course of the Cold War, from the last racially-based colonial bastion to a non-racial democracy along free-market, Western liberal constitutional principles.

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S.A. Police Security Branch and the Armed Struggle: Part 1

Nongqai serialisation of our e-Book “The danger of a single story” about the other side of the conflict between the ANC’s MK and the S.A. Police SB during the armed struggle in South Africa – PART 1.

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