Nongqai Blog Archive


This archive is configured around six sub-menus, which are accessible by clicking on the “v” next to the “archive” bullet link in the command bar above. This will drop down this archive’s sub-menus, so that you may then click on the one of your choice (or you may click on the sub-menu’s listed below).

The six sub-menus are:

* “standard editions” where the regular monthly main editions (since inception of the e-magazines in 2010) may be found;

* “ladies editions“, for all of the monthly ladies editions published;

* “special editions” where all of the occasional editions published in between the standard monthly editions and focused on a single theme or subject, can be found;

* “photo archive” where, as the name suggests, digital copies of photos relevant to the history of the South African Forces are archived;

* “film & video archive“, the location for links to, and/or digital copies of historically important film and video about the South African Forced; and

* “document archive“, which houses digital copies of important documents relevant to,  or illustrating significant aspects of S.A. Forces history.


Hierdie argief is onderverdeel in ses sub-afdelings, wat toeganklik is deur te kliek op die “v” langs (regs) van die “argief” skakel-ikoon in die bevelsbalk hierbo. Deur daarop te kliek, val die spyskaart met ses onderafdelings oop, sodat u dan kan kliek op die een van u keuse (of u kan bloot kliek op die sub-afdeling waarin u belang stel, in die lys wat nou volg).

Die ses sub-afdelings is:

* “Standard Edition Archive“, vir die gereelde maandelikse hoof-uitgawes soos elektronies gepubliseer sedert 2010;

* Ladies Editions“, vir die vroue-uitgawes;

* “Special Editions” vir die spesiale, enkel-tema of onderwerp-gefokusde uitgawes wat tussen die standaard maandelikse uitgawes verskyn het;

* “Photo Archive” is die fototeek van histories-relevante fotos;

* “Film & Video Archive” bevat die skakels na, en/of digitale afskrifte van belangrike films en videos in die geskiedenis van die Suid-Afrikaanse Magte; en

* “Document Archive” bevat afskrifte van saakmakende oorspronklike dokumente wat die geskiedenis van die S.A. Magte illustreer.