here we explain why, what for, and how
We all know (only too well!) that nowadays, practically nothing is free. Except for your NONGQAI. That is how we would like to keep it.
But, of course, there are operating costs to cover. And the TRUST needs funds for its charitable work, supporting those who had served their country but now find themselves in need.
April is the month in which most of the subscriptions we have to pay, renew. For all the IT packages we need to produce the NONGQAI, and to bring it to you digitally via the internet. Significant costs, such as renewing our domain url, our SSL security certificate, our internet hosting plan, the visual builder software we use for doing the lay-out on WordPress, the SEO (search engine optimisation) package so you and the research community can find us and our content amidst the jumble of the word-wide web, the graphic design software – and much more…
We are working hard (and making good progress) to earn advertising fees. Which certainly helps. But, even though our team members are all unpaid volunteers, it cannot be enough. Because, apart from the operating costs involved with our digital publications, the TRUST itself needs much, much more. For its charitable work, assisting those who had served our country but who, in these trying times, now find themselves in need of financial support.
You will understand that current circumstances in South Africa do not make it easy to try and operate something like the NONGQAI TRUST and its publications as a proper business. To illustrate – we are still waiting, nearly a year since one of the Trustees passed away, for updated documentation from the office of the Master of the High Court. Without which we haven’t been able to open a bank account for the publlications division. For many months now, we’ve been trying to get an own PayPal account for the TRUST, linked to its existing charity-focused bank account – as yet, without success…
Fortunately our publisher (Grupo Excellentia – located offshore, and owned by our dr Willem Steenkamp) has come to the recue and established a quick, easy & secure system for donations via Paypal, using their commercial infrastructure.
Just one click (on the piglet’s nose – in the image below) and you can make your donation, from your credit card. It can be less than R100 ($5), or as much as you wish to stipulate. All ccontributions, large and small, help the good cause and will be gladly received, with much appreciation.
Of every amount donated, 25% goes to help cover media operating costs, and 75% goes to the charity account of the TRUST.
Thank you in advance for your kind support!
die waarom, waarvoor en hoe, hierin verduidelik
Soos wat ons almal maar al te goed weet, is prakties niks vandag meer verniet nie. Behalwe u NONGQAI. Dis altyd verniet, en dis hoe ons dit graag wil hou.
Maar, daar is natuurlik bedryfskostes. En die TRUST het fondse nodig – BAIE – vir sy welsynswerk, ten behoewe van oudgediendes in nood.
April is die maand wanneer meeste van die subskripsies wat ons moet betaal, hernu. Intekengelde vir IT-dienste waarsonder ons nie die publikasies digitaal aan u kan bring nie. Waarsonder ons kant van die waarheid, nie op die internet verteenwoordig kan word nie. Kostes soos om ons domein se URL te hernu, die SSL sekuriteitsertifikaat vir ons webtuiste, die “Hosting” plan wat vir ons ‘n staanplekkie op die internet gee, die “visuele bou”-sagteware waarmee ons die blad-uitleg in WordPress doen, die SEO-pakket wat help dat ons inhoud op die internet raakgesien word, die grafiese ontwerp-sagteware vir al die illustrasies – en nog veel meer.
En dan benodig die TRUST natuurlik BAIE fondse, vir sy welsynswerk onder ons mense in nood.
Ons maak goeie vordering met die in van advertensie-fooie. Maar dit kan nie alles dek nie (al is al ons medewerkers almal onbetaalde vrywilligers). En dan boonop die TRUST ook voorsien nie.
U sal goed verstaan hoe moeilik huidige omstandighede in Suid-Afrika dit maak om iets soos die TRUST en sy publikasies, behoorlik as ‘n sake-onderneming te kan bedryf. Dis nou prakties ‘n jaar sedert die afsterwe van een van die TRUST se trustees, en ons wag steeds vir die Meester van die Hof om ‘n opgedateerde Magtigingsbrief uit te reik. Waarsonder ons nog nie eens vir die publikasie-komponent ‘n eie bankrekening kon oopmaak nie. Ook kon ons nog nie ‘n eie PayPal-rekening vir die Trust, opgekoppel kry met die Trust se bestaande bankrekening vir sy welsyn-gerigte aktiwiteite as geregistreerde PBO nie.
Gelukkig het ons uitgewers (Grupo Excellentia – ‘n aflandige maatskappy besit deur ons dr Willem Steenkamp) tot die redding gekom. Hulle het ‘n maklike stelsel vir donasies, via PayPal, opgestel, met behulp van hulle eie bestaande infrastruktuur.
Net een kliek (op die spaarvarkie se snoet – beeld hierbo), en u kan ‘n bydrae maak, met u kredietkaart. Vinnig en veilig.
Alle bydraes – groot en klein – is baie welkom. Van minder as R100 ($5), tot soveel as wat u wil stipuleer.
Van elke bedrag geskenk, gaan 25% ter dekking van Nongqai Media-bedryfskostes, en 75% gaan na die TRUST se welsyn-rekening.
Dankie by voorbaat vir u ondersteuning!